

Halloween YC offers place for summer and winter storage for power and sailboats up to 35 feet long.

Storage is available to HYC Members in good standing. In order to secure the space, one has to fill in the application and provide appropriate form(s).

For further information, please email Chairman, Berthing Committee at [email protected]

Rules and Notices


Please be advised that you must do two things before you bring your boat to hyc for winter land storage.

  1. You must see Diane for a tag that must be visible on the bow of your boat at all times. 1-(203)-249-1610
  2. You must see or speak with Joe Gerace for placement of your boat.                   1 (203)-219-5492;  [email protected]

Any boat dropped off without the two above requirements will be fined.




For further information, please email Chairman, Berthing Committee at [email protected]

  • To fill the form online, click on  icon.
  • To print the form to be mailed or emailed, click on icon