Chase the Rabbit


“When did men have the first ever sailboat race?”

“When they launched the second boat.”

Rabbit Boat (sailing toward the viewer) opening the start line for two other boats crossing behind it

Racing Area

Regular racing is a serious commitment of time and money. You need to have a stable crew, you need to have decent sails, you need to clean the bottom of your boat on a regular basis, and many other things.

The pickup sailboat race is somewhat similar to the all-familiar pickup basketball game. The purpose is not to have another formal competitive racing series, but more of a way to enjoy racing in general, learn the rules, test new sails, new tactics, new ideas, and new instruments. Sail single-handedly or train some new or inexperienced crew. Or just have fun on the water.

The race requires no registration, no fees, no formal PHRF certificates, and is open to all sailors, regardless of club affiliation. Just sail in, announce yourself, and join the race, when and if you can.

This is how it works

  • There will be a designated day and time to meet every weekend (weather permitting) in the vicinity of R32 (Cows), e.g. Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
  • A reminder/confirmation email will be sent to all potential participants every Friday. Race will happen even if there are only two boats present.
  • Each boats can race with or without spinnaker. Appropriate PHRF rating will be used for each boat in each race. Use of autopilot or other similar devices will be allowed.
  • Race area would be between R32 (Cows), G1 (entrance to Stamford Harbor), R34 (Todd’s Point) and the yellow inflatable mark dropped within the racing area, if needed to serve as a pin or as a weather mark.
  • A typical course will be Windward, rounding the weather mark / Leeward, rounding the pin mark to complete the race. Depending on the wind, a reach mark could be added.
  • Each race should take less than one hour. Two races can be scheduled for each day, roughly 1 hour apart if there is enough interest. This will also give latecomers a chance to participate. Each one race will be treated as a separate event.
  • Race will employ Rabbit Start format which eliminates the need for the Race Committee boat, and also allows the racers to avoid a stampede at the start. Each boat will take its finish time after rounding of the pin. Results using ratng-corrected time will be published on this page immediately after the race.

Notice of Race and Sailing Instruction are available here

Race tracks recorded by RaceQs software will be available on

For further information, please contact HYC Captain of the Sailing Fleet at [email protected]

2023 Inaugural Race is planned for Saturday or Sunday, July 29 or July 30, 2023, at 1400